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You are welcome to our fly in to the city of Kassel May 1. to 3. 2015
[We are fully booked now!]
The Town: Kassel
Kassel is situated right in the center of Germany, almost equally distanced from the large metropolitan areas of Frankfurt, Dortmund, Hannover and Erfurt. Unfortunately, the war has destroyed Kassel’s unique historical city center of unequalled beauty. Kassel of today is the product of consequent rebuilding in the style of the 50ies and 60ties of the past century. A few of the most important historical buildings have been entirely restored, but this also makes the breaches in between more noticeable. However, the beautiful landscape around, which we will enjoy, has remained. The “Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe”, World Cultural Heritage, where our hotel is situated, is a unique example of parkland architecture. The town itself also boasts beautiful parks, such as Karlsaue and Fuldaaue.
Kassel is not only known for the famous art exhibition „Documenta“, taking place every five years, but also trough the work of two famous personalities: the brothers Grimm.
Friday, 1. Mai 2015 - Arrival

Our destination is the regional airport Kassel – Calden (EDVK), only recently finished in 2013, offering all amenities of an airport, including ILS. Avgas and Jet A1 are available and we strongly recommend refueling right after arrival, to avoid delays on departure on Sunday. We should land at 1300 hrs. latest, to have enough time for our Lunch Buffet at the Bistro „Aviation Corner“ at the GAT. At around 1400 hrs. LT, an airport representative will give us an insight into the many tasks and challenges which go with the implementation of a large infrastructural project like this. Right after that, we will visit PIPER Deutschland at their new building next to the GAC, where the Piper Aircraft currently offered are on display and where the PIPER Service Center is also situated. Around 1530 hrs. latest, the Bus will depart for our Hotel, where we will check in at around 1600 hrs., followed by free time for a visit to the Spa or a walk in the park.
The Hotel

We will stay at the Schlosshotel Bad Wilhelmshöhe, Schlosspark 8, 34131 Kassel, in close vicinity to Schloss Wilhelmshöhe. A room contingent has been reserved, individual bookings should be made until 31. March 2015 latest, after this date, our contingent will be cancelled!
At 1900 hrs: Galadinner at the „Relaunch Skyline“ - Room
For Cocktails and Gala Dinner, we have reserved the Relaunch Skyline Room in our hotel, boasting a spectacular view over the Wilhelmshöhe parkland and the town.
Saturday, 2. Mai 2015
This day will be filled to the brim from the morning on: according preferences, you can either walk three minutes to visit Schloss Wilhelmshöhe or depart by bus to the “Dörnberg” to visit the glider pilots there.
Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
Castle and Park in almost today‘s shape date back to the reign of Hessian Landgrave Wilhelm IX, later Kurfürst (Elector) Wilhelm I. (1785 – 1821). Before, in early 17. Century, a hunting lodge and a nunnery of the Augustinians existed.
The castle was heavily damaged during the war and restored from 1968 to 1974 without the original central cupola. It is now a museum of international renown, housing a collection of classical antiques, a painting gallery of Old Masters, a library and in the Weißenstein Wing historical living and representative apartments. The castle is only three minutes walking distance from our hotel

At the Hoher Dörnberg, 10 km west of Kassel, within the natural reserve of Habichtswald, since 1963, the Luftsportverein Henschel Flugzeug Werke AG e.V. operates a traditional gliding center. We are invited to do some flying, watch the Winch Launching, meet members of this club and have a luncheon snack, for which those who visited the castle will also join us. A few flights in the ASK 21 and Duo Discus will be possible, (ca.15 Min, Price € 35,-), those interested please indicate so in the registration form! There is also the alternative of a little walk along the „Alpenpfad“, through a beautiful landscape with a spectacular view!
Visiting Friends

Our friends of long standing, Karl-Ernst and HelgardCount and Countess Grote – Schachten, will be our hosts at their Schachten estate for an Afternoon with Coffee and Cake, accompanied by a little exercise and contest: The Wilhelmsthal Archers > will instruct us in the art of archery, at the same time watching over our safety during the learning process. Thereafter, we will have to prove our competence in a little contest, supplemented by a few other tasks.
Asparagus Dinner at the „Konzertscheune Calden“

Berthold Braun, also glider pilot at the Dörnberg, will be our host at this very special event location. Possibly, we may expect some little extra presentation besides eating asparagus? Anyway, we should return to the hotel in time for a good night’s rest in view of tomorrow’s flight home.